Some of you may never have to worry about thinning hair. You’ve won the genetic follicle lottery. My hat’s off to you and your perpetual man mane (ya lucky bastards). And some of you have been bald since your 20s and pull it off like a latter day Yul Brynner…
Here’s to your magnificent chrome dome!
But for other guys (like yours truly) you’ve noticed a gradual thinning out of your once fearsome ‘do in the classic male pattern balding manner…
…which is kind of a bummer even if it is a normal part of getting older.
So…what to do?
There are a number of products that promise some sort of hair regrowth or at least a stabilization of hair loss (i.e. the more quickly you use it the sooner you’ll stop losing it!).
What do we think of ’em?
First off, there’s the old standby minoxidil (most famously sold as Rogaine but also available generically), Continue reading