OK call me old school but this Gillette Body Grooming commercial kind of pisses me off:
Let me get this straight: According to Handsome Boy Modeling School there, us guys are supposed to Gillette-style our bodies according the whims of whatever hottie comes along? What if I get tired of the “hairless” chick and make a play for the one who likes the hairy chest (but not the back*)? Guess I’m screwed then, right? Talk about a moving target! I’m gonna have irregular patchy fur all over my body if I listen to this pretty boy’s advice.
Nuh-uh. I don’t give a rat’s ass if that is Kate Upton and Hannah’s hot and Genesis is probably a bit of a freak. “Grooming” my wonderfully hairy bod to please some high maintenance babe ain’t gonna happen. Love the hairy chest rug or leave it, darlin’, and do not even say a word about my legs or I’ll send you back to momma. If a relationship starts with body hair demands, where is it going to end? (Hint: your nuts/her purse.)
Riddle me this, Gillette: are these demanding diva’s gonna make Superman shave his chest, too?

Kal-El ain’t shaving nuthin’, baby!
Yeah, didn’t think so.
*Admittedly, I have yet to meet a woman who “likes” a hairy back–sorry, my wooly friends. But I’m sure she’s out there…she’s just maybe in Turkey or something.